
New Recruits => Join the Wolverines! => Topic started by: Bennaj on September 03, 2007, 07:21:36 AM

Title: Problems with the Wolverines
Post by: Bennaj on September 03, 2007, 07:21:36 AM
Jk I don't really have a problem with this guild, although I'm sure you all will hate me after exposing the truth here..  Just thought I would return the free entertainment that was delivered to the nubstar applications forum earlier today.  I know nobody here will take this seriously, I'm just posting this because I am bored, and I'm betting it will be deleted very soon. Censorship ftw!

This morning "Unno" aka Skullkeeper posted that he had a "problem with nubstar" on our apps forum. He claimed that Savagery and I were very disrespectful and that we were chain pulling during the instance (thats good it speeds it up, its not even heroic), and that we weren't giving the tank (volkom prot pally, hit 70 that day, unexperienced, and undergeared, no offense) enough time to build aggro.  He said that we "ninja left"..  He said this was giving nubstar a bad reputation.

Ok sure that is all mostly true.  Chain pulling, I'm fine with that, some people just don't like chain pulling because it takes a slight amount more skill and its harder to play mindlessly when we pull group after group...  Disrespect, that is true on Savagery's part, he is just like that if you know him.. Although it is not true that I disrespected anyone, at least not intentionally.. I rarely even talked in party chat, mostly just on vent with the 3 other people (Savagery, Volkom, Moist).  I would be very amazed if Volkom was able to hold aggro at all during the run, I was expecting savagery and I to "tank" most of it..  It would be too much to expect Volkom to be able to tank Bot when its his first day being 70 and prot, not to mention the people he was trying to hold aggro over really outgeared him.  If we were to not chain pull, and wait a very long time for a prot tank in mostly greens/blues that aren't even prot oriented (again, acceptable, day one of lvl 70) to build up a steady amount of aggro to be able to hold aggro against Dpsers in mostly epics.  He also said that we ninja left.. which is what??  Leaving an instance before its finished??  Although everything that happened in the run could have contributed to to us giving nubstar a bad rep, thats really pointless to post it on our forums, and IMO, I should be the one posting on your forums.

So, lets see, I decide to confront Skullkeeper and ask where I could make a post about this EPIC botanica run..


Rofl.. that didn't go so well.. Have something to hide?  Yes indeed.

Here is a compilation of screenshots I saved from that Botanica run that happened at around 4:00am server time, Nice!


All I can say is WoW..

(this thread is for entertainment purposes only, GL and have fun.)

Title: Re: Problems with the Wolverines
Post by: Nightstalker on September 03, 2007, 07:50:57 AM
Just thought I would return the free entertainment that was delivered to the nubstar applications forum earlier today.  I know nobody here will take this seriously, I'm just posting this because I am bored, and I'm betting it will be deleted very soon. Censorship ftw!

Sorry if you get that impression, but we dont roll draconian style. Telling people how to play, when to play, or how to spec, is not our buisness(with the exception of talking Skull out of holy spec), least of all we dont omit stuff, well unless you piss me off that is. Thats when limbs start getting hacked. I'd be curious to see what was in Unno's post on your site; you can PM me the text, as I have no intention or desire of trolling Nub's site.

As for Unno I already know he cant heal on his pally, thats a given :P. Aside from that I have some trouble believing the text of party chat you posted, unless you're just trying to be entertaining which is obviously suggested at the bottom of your post.

Title: Re: Problems with the Wolverines
Post by: Bennaj on September 03, 2007, 08:04:44 AM
yea you prolly are wasting ur time.
but imo savagery got what was coming to him

btw nice try to make it look like he said stuff he didnt

lern to pvp noob

I dont understand, this thread is a joke, dont take stuff so seriously..  And what did he have coming to him?  Nothing happened..  Also, lern to pvp? what?

Title: Re: Problems with the Wolverines
Post by: Unnormal on September 03, 2007, 09:08:56 AM
My post was deleted ....anticipating this i made a copy.

 I recently had a problem with a few of your members. I whispered several online asking to speak with an officer and got no reply. I recently was in a PUG with Savagery the Hunter and a Rouge named Bennaj. While their chain pulling mobs and not allowing the tank to get aggro is just a minor annoyance you get with many pugs their extreme use of foul language, telling me to go suck a dick, and constant degrading of the other players is completely unacceptable. Savagery was doing most of the talking however they both decided to abandon the group when we reached the last boss.  Now I'm not sure how you guys run your guild or if you even care but I know one thing for sure and that is these players are giving a bad name to nubstar on malygos and making the rest of your members look bad. I know that me and my 300+ guildmates will definitly think twice before grouping with any of the Nubstar guild anytime soon.  I expressed my disgust Savagery's actions and was soon after reported for a violating the code of conduct rules after the GM read the chat log nothing of course was done about it; but their lack of respect for the other players in the game blows my mind.


Title: Re: Problems with the Wolverines
Post by: Unnormal on September 03, 2007, 09:18:50 AM
What really put the icing on the cake was their officer replied with, We don't control guild mates actions outside of a guild raid setting. basically saying that they didn't care which i found extremely funny since nubstar is constantly recruiting and posting on forums looking for certain classes. How do they expect to get anyone when so many of their members are such jerks.  I don't think this Bennaj guy is a bad cat I think he is just to self centered to treat other people with respect. His post was obviously meant as a joke and I'm ok with that  :D

Title: Re: Problems with the Wolverines
Post by: Arctic on September 03, 2007, 01:44:58 PM

This isnt the right place for this, I will not delete it, Im just not going to let a flame war start
